Volante Design Blog

The Volante’s Switch it Up
Willow will not be the CEO anymore. David will be the CEO. This is a good thing for us! You can expect more of Willow online, and very little will change from the outside of our company. 
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Our Next Chapter
What an honor it is to be here after 11 years! In this next year, we will be doing more of what you love, making sweet jackets, svelte vests, dashing shirts and even (squeeel) bringing some hoodies back. We’re able...
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Volante Design's DNA: Our Core Values
What is a core value, and why do they matter? A core value acts as a line in the sand. These are the things that “make or break us.”  People who do these things well tend to flourish, get more responsibilities,...
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2024 Events Update
If you found Volante Design at a comic con or some other nerdy event, you are in good company! We used to do about 30 shows a year across the US. We packed up, rented a U-Haul, or shipped our...
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Reflecting on Thanksgiving 2023
The fall is rushing past us. This week there is hoarfrost on the leaves in the morning that lasts almost until noon, and I am always reminded of the icy little fairies from Fantasia when the leaves glitter like this....
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